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Lesson 34 Modern Olympics

第34课 现代奥运

1.which mascot do you like best?你最喜欢哪个吉祥物?


2.In the modern Olympics,some things are the same no matter which country is hosting, and some things change.在现代奥运会中,不论哪个国家举办,有些事是不变的,有些事是变化的。

★no matter which 引导的是让步状语从句。

★“no matter +疑问词”结构,在句中引导让步状语从句,意为“无论哪一个”。这个结构可以和疑问词加-ever,例如

no matter what = whatever 无论什么

no matter who = whoever 无论谁

no matter when = whenever 无论何时

no matter where = wherever 无论哪里

no matter which = whichever 无论哪个

no matter how = however 无论怎样式

N0 matter which you do,you must be very careful.=Whichever you do,you must be very careful.无论你做什么,你必须很认真。

3.The five rings stand for the five continents united together.五环代表了五大洲连结在一起。

★stand for 代表

★ united together为过去分词短语做后置定语修饰continents。

4.The Olympic motto, "Faster, Higher, Stronger", stays the same for every Olympics.奥运会的格言是“更快、更高、更强”,这个口号历届不变。

★motto [ˈmɒtəʊ]名词,座右铭;格言;箴言。复数:mottos或mottoes都可。

‘ Live and let live. ’ That's my motto.“待人宽如待己。”这就是我的座右铭。

★stay the same for ...对......保持不变。

5.The Olympic slogan,for example,is created by the host city, and it reflects the spirit of those Olympics.例如,奥运会的口号由主办城市提出,它反映了那些奥林匹克的精神。


Slogans had been painted on the walls.标语涂在墙上。

★the host city主办城市。

★be created by 由...创作/创造 。这是一个被动结构, be前面的是create的宾语, by后面的是create的主语。

★the spirit of......的精神。



①reflect on v.思考,反省,怀疑,导致,责备;

②reflect credit on 给增光,给…带来荣誉

③reflect back 反射,折射;真实地反映

④reflect from 从…反射,折射

⑤reflect upon 考虑,怀疑 ;反思,思考

⑥reflect off 反射出(常用搭配)

⑦reflect discredit upon sb 给某人带来耻辱

reflect credit upon sb 给某人带来荣誉。

6.The Olympic mascot is often an animal with a national feature.奥运会的吉祥物通常是个带有国家特点的动物。

★ with a national feature为介词短语做后置定语修饰animal。


①best feature最佳特色

②key feature关键特征

③special feature特殊特征

④striking feature突出特点

⑤facial feature 面貌

⑥animated feature动画片

⑦double feature 两片连映

7.The Olympic songs are always popular around the world.奥运会的主题曲通常在世界范围内很流行。

★ around the world.在全世界。


be popular with/among受…欢迎。

The novel Three Body is very popular.小说《三体》很受欢迎。

8.It touched many people's hearts.它打动了许多人的心。

★touch one's heart(s)打动某人的心。

9.Some things have stayed the same, and some things have changed over the years.多年来,有些事情还保持不变,但有些事情随时时间而改变。

★ stay the same保持相同。

★over the years“多年以来”或“经过这么多年之后”,它指的是一种从几年前持续到现在的一种情况。

Thank you for everything over the years.谢谢您这些年来所做的一切。

10.But one thing has always been the same- to do the best and to compete fairly.但是有一件事情一直没变——尽力做到最好,公平竞赛。

★do the best尽最大努力。

★compete fairly公平竞争,其中fairly是副词,意为“公正地”。



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